A list of herbaceous plants that complete their life cycle (germination to seed production) in one growing season and do not overwinter.

Calamagrostis foliosa / Leafy Reed Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun or light shade. Mounding gray-green foliage. Nodding cream-colored plumes. 1'x2'. CA native. Medium to low water.

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' / Feather Reed Grass
Evergreen grass with upright arching habit to 2-3' tall. Flowers are feathery plumes to 6' tall in May or June. Full sun with medium water.

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam' / Feather Reed Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun. 12" foliage, 2' flower stalks. Spring flowers resemble small rattlesnake rattles. Good in arrangements. Medium water. Grows during the cool season.

Carex brunnea 'Jenneke' Narrow Sedge
Evergreen cool-season grass. Sun-part shade. Yellow & green foliage. To 1'x1'. Prune in early spring. Good in pots. Medium water.

Carex buchananii 'Red Rooster'
Perennial grass. Sun. Bright rusty red foliage with an upright habit. 16"- 24" tall. Medium to low water.

Carex comans 'Amazon Mist' / New Zealand Hair Sedge
Evergreen perennial grass. Some shade in hottest climates. Silvery green leaves. 1'x2'. Moderate water.

Carex comans 'Bronze Bronco' / New Zealand Hair Sedge
Evergreen grass. Sun/part sun. Finely textured brown foliage. Mounding habit to 1'x2'. Moderate water.

Carex divulsa (aka tumulicola) / European Grey Sedge (formerly known as Berkeley Sedge)
Evergreen sedge. Sun or shade. 1'x18". Lush, green, mop-like, curving leaves. Excellent for meadow effect. Regular water is best. Shear lightly but don't cut to ground.

Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' / Blue Sedge
Evergreen sedge. Sun/part shade. Vivid blue-gray foliage. To 2'x2'. Medium to to high water.

Carex flagellifera 'Bronzita' / Hair Sedge
Evergreen grass. Sun/part sun. Finely textured brown foliage. Mounding habit to 1'x2'. Moderate water.

Carex howardii 'Phoenix Green' / Green Sedge
Evergreen grass. Part sun. Finely textured bright green foliage with upright habit. To 16"x12". Heat tolerant. Low maintenance. Likes moist soil.

Carex morrowii 'Ice / Dance' Variegated Sedge
Evergreen grass. Sun or shade. Green foliage with white margins. Clumping to 1'x2'. Spreading groundcover. Moderate to high water.

Carex oshimensis 'Everest' / Variegated Japanese Sedge
Perennial, evergreen. Sun/shade. Low mound 18" x 18". Does best in rich, moist soil in part shade. Great for borders or containers.

Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' / Evergold Sedge
Perennial, evergreen. Sun/shade. Low mound 12" x 12". Does best in rich, moist soil in part shade. Great for borders or containers.

Carex oshimensis 'Gold Strike' / Variegated Japanese Sedge
Perennial, evergreen. Sun/shade. Low mound 12" x 12". Does best in rich, moist soil in part shade. Great for borders or containers.

Carex secta / Makura Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun. 3' x 3'. Shiny brown seed heads in summer. Forms thick trunk of old roots and stems. Regular water.

Carex testacea / Orange Sedge
Evergreen sedge. Sun. 2'x2'. Attractive mop-like curving leaves. Orange color is striking. Good in containers. Regular water . Shear lightly but don't cut to ground.

Carex trifida 'Rekohu Sunrise' / Variegated Sedge
Evergreen grass. Sun-light shade. Green with gold margins. Upright arching habit to 3'x2'. Moist well drained soil. (USPP # 20512 Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.)

Chondropetalum tectorum / Thatching Reed
Evergreen reed-like plant with striking slender stems. Makes a ball of foliage 3' in diameter. Sun. Medium water. Good in pots. From South Africa.

Deschampsia caespitosa 'Northern Lights' / Variegated Tufted Hairgrass
Evergreen perennial grass. Full sun/partial shade. Green and cream, with pink highlights in cooler seasons. 8"x 16". Regular water.

Elymus magellanicus / Blue Wheatgrass
Semi-evergreen perennial grass. Sun-light shade. Vivid blue foliage. Prefers cool summers. 15"x18". Well drained soil & regular water. Cut back in spring to refresh.

Equisetum scirpoides / Small Horsetail Grass
Evergreen reed-like plant with striking slender stems. 1'X3'. Sun. Medium water. Good in pots. Tolerates bog conditions.

Festuca californica / California Fescue
Evergreen grass with rich green foliage to 2' tall and flowers to 3' tall. Grow in full sun or part shade. Give medium to low water. This CA native is excellent for slopes or meadow effects.

Festuca glauca'Elijah's Blue' / Blue Fescue
Evergreen perennial grass. Full sun. Silver blue leaves. 8"x10". Moderate water.

Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue' / Fescue
Evergreen grass. Sun/part shade. Clumps of narrow, silver/blue foliage with flower spikes in summer.
1'x15". Low water. Drought and deer resistant.

Festuca idahoensis / Fescue
Evergreen grass with 18" ball of green foliage. One of the finest native CA grasses. Grow in full sun with medium to low water. In spring, stroke clump to remove old leaves.

Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' / Japanese Forest Grass
Evergreen grass. Shade-part shade. Golden foliage. Mounding habit to 3'x3'. High water. Good in pots.

Helictotrichon sempervirens / Blue Oat Grass
Evergreen grass. Full sun. Grey leaves form spiky ball to 18". Medium to low water. In spring stroke foliage to remove brown leaves. Native to Western US.

​Himalayacalamus falconeri 'Damarapa' / Candy Stripe Bamboo
Evergreen clumping bamboo. Light shade. Red, green, & yellow striped canes. To 5' x 20'. Hardy to 20 degrees. Prefers sheltered location. Medium water.

Imperata cylindrica rubra / Japanese Blood Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun. New foliage is green, turning brilliant red. 18"-24" tall x slowly spreading. Moist, well drained soil.

Juncus effusus 'Quartz Creek' / California Green Rush
Grass-like plant called a rush. Strongly upright green foliage to 2' tall. Native to CA. Grow in full sun to part shade with medium to high water. Nice vertical element.

Juncus effusus spiralis / Curly Rush
Grass-like plant called a rush. Full sun to part shade. Spiraling green foliage to 2' tall. Medium to high water.

Juncus pallidus 'Javelin' / Javelin Grass
Evergreen grasslike rush. Blue-green foliage. Stiff upright habit to 5'x2'. Tolerates a wide range of soil types and watering conditions.

Juncus patens / California Gray Rush
Grass-like plant called a rush. Strongly upright gray foliage to 2' tall. Native to CA. Grow in full sun to part shade with medium to high water. Nice vertical element.

Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' / California Gray Rush
Evergreen rush. Sun/part shade. Custers of inconspicuous bronze flowers in spring through fall; slender, blue-green foliage and clumping habit. 2'x2'. Moderate water. CA native.

Juncus tenuis 'Blue Dart' / Blue Rush
Evergreen grass-like rush. Blue-green foliage. Stiff upright habit to 18"x12". Spiky foliage is great in pots and combinations. Sun to part shade. Medium to high water.

Milium effusum 'Aureum' / Golden Millet Grass
Perennial grass. Light shade. New foliage is golden, turning light green. Clumping, arching habit to 2'x2'. Best in cool summer climates. Summer dormant in hot areas. Regular to high water.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' / Dwarf Maiden Grass
Perennial clumping grass. Sun to part shade. Finely textured silvery green foliage to 2'-3' tall and wide. Whitish plumes to 5' summer-fall. Yellow fall foliage. Medium water.

Miscanthus sinensis var. condensatus 'Cosmopolitan' / Variegated Silver Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun. Spectacular, ribbon-like variegated leaves of green and white. 6' tall and 3' wide. Medium water. Cut to ground in winter. Shown in photo with Knipofia 'Yellow Cheer'.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracilllimus' / Maiden Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun. Narrow green leaves with silver midrib. To 3'-4' tall and wide. Coppery plumes to 6' in fall-winter. Medium water. Tolerates most soils. Cut to ground in early spring.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra' / Dwarf Zebra Maiden Grass
Perennial clumping grass. Sun-lt. shade. Gold banded foliage to 3'x3'. Reddish plumes to 4' in summer. Medium water. (PP#13008 Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. )

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' / Dwarf Variegated Maiden Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun. Narrow green leaves with silver margins. Compact, upright habit to 3'-4' tall and wide. Coppery plumes to 6' in fall-winter. Medium water. Tolerates most soils. Cut to ground in
early spring.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' / Variegated Maiden Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun/part shade. Variegated, cream and green foliage with red, tassel-like flower plumes in fall. 6'x4'. Moderate water. Deer resistant.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' / Maiden Grass
Evergreen clumping grass. Sun to part shade. Striped yellow and green foliage. Pinkish plumes in summer-fall. To 6' x 8'. Medium water.

Miscanthus transmorrisonensis / Evergreen Miscanthus
Evergreen grass with foliage to 3' tall by 2' wide. Airy flower to 6' tall. Prefers full sun to semi-shade with medium water.

Muhlenbergia capillaris / Regal Mist Grass
Evergreen perennial grass. Sun or light shade. Bright green mounding foliage to 3'x6'. Airy pinkish plumes to 4' tall. Cut back in late winter to refresh. Low to moderate water.

Muhlenbergia emersleyi / Bull Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun. Clumping, blue-green foliage and dark purple flower plumes in fall. 3'x3'. Low water. Drought and frost tolerant; North American native.

Muhlenbergia rigens / Deer Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun. Gray-green foliage to 3' tall and wide. Simple, pointy flower spikes. Medium to low water. Native to western US.

​Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' / Dwarf Fountain Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun/part shade. Short, foxtail-like, beige plumes in summer and compact habit. 1'x1'. Moderate water. Cold hardy and deer resistant.

Pennisetum x advena 'Eaton Canyon' / Red Fountain Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun. Showy burgundy foliage to 3' tall with graceful, arching plume-like flowers. Medium water.

Pennisetum 'Fireworks' / Variegated Fountain Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun. Red, pink, white & green striped foliage. 2'-4'wide. Red plumes to 4'-5' tall. Moderate water. Cut back in late winter to refresh. (USPP# 18504 unauthorized propagation prohibited.)

Pennisetum messiacum / Red Bunny Tales
Evergreen grass. Full sun. 18"-36" tall. Reddish-pink flowers resembling rabbit tails appear in spring through fall. Medium water.

Pennisetum orientale / Oriental Fountain Grass
Perennial grass. Full sun. Green foliage with pinkish plumes in summer & fall. 2'x2 1/2'. Moderate water.

Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' / Purple-Leaf Fountain Grass
Deciduous grass. Sun. Eye-catching burgundy foliage to 4' with graceful, arching plume-like flowers. Sterile-seeded. Medium water.

Pennisetum setaceum 'Skyrocket' / Pink Fountain Grass
Evergreen perennial grass. Sun. Green & cream striped leaves. Showy pinkish flower spikes summer-fall. 3'x2'. Regular water. (PP# 21797 Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.)

Pennisetum spatheolatum / Slender Veldt Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun. Green foliage to 1' tall and flower spikes to 4'. Flowers are small, tight bundles at the tips of long stems. Graceful. Medium water.

Phylostachys nigra / Black Bamboo
Evergreen bamboo. Sun to part shade. 10' tall x spreading. Regular water and fertilizer. New stems are green, turning black in second year. Plant in containers to control spread

Phalaris arundinacea 'Feesey's Form' / Gardener's Garters
Evergreen grass. Sun. To 3'x3'. Green & white striped foliage. Fluffy, tan flowers in summer sway gracefully in the breeze.High water. Reseeds prolifically.

Phalaris arundinacea 'Feesey's Form' / Gardener's Garters
Evergreen grass. Sun. To 3'x3'. Green & white striped foliage. Fluffy, tan flowers in summer sway gracefully in the breeze.High water. Reseeds prolifically.

Rynchelytrum nerviglume / Ruby Grass (aka Melinis)
Evergreen grass. Sun. Compact mounding blue-green foliage to 1'x1'. Silky pink and white plumes to 18". Moist well drained soil.

Sinobambusa tootsik albostriata / Variegated Chinese Temple Bamboo
Evergreen running bamboo. Light shade. White & green striped leaves. Hardy to 10 degrees. To 20' tall. Medium water.

Stipa arundinacea / New Zealand Wind Grass
Semi-evergreen grass. Full sun. Wispy bronze-green foliage glows in sunlight. Panicles of silky flowers grow to 2' tall in late summer. Medium water. AKA Anemanthele lessoniana.

Stipa gigantea /Giant Feather Grass
Evergreen grass. Sun. 2'x4' foliage clump with 6' tall shimmering plumes in early summer. Regular water until well established, then medium water. Needs good drainage.